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Form 1040-ES Estimated Tax for Individuals

Notice: This article is out of date. Please visit the current year Form 1040-ES Estimated Tax page on our website to obtain these forms and instructions.

Federal Tax Form 1040-ES is used by individuals who are required to make estimated tax payments. Individuals are generally required to make estimated payments when they have taxable income that is not subject to withholding. Earnings from self-employment, interest, dividends, rents, and alimony are examples of taxable income for which taxes are not withheld.

Tax Form 1040-ES

Tax Form 1040-ES

Form 1040-ES Payment Vouchers are used to submit 4 estimated tax payments per calendar year, due on the following dates:

  1. April 15
  2. June 15
  3. Sept 15
  4. Jan 18

If you don’t make estimated tax payments and you are required to do so, you may owe a penalty to the IRS. A tax penalty notice will generally be mailed to you from IRS after they receive your Form 1040 for the calendar year. Since penalties are based on the number of days the tax due remains unpaid, it’s generally a good practice to send in your payments as soon as you can, even if you miss one of the above dates.

In order to figure out how to calculate and pay your estimated tax, you will need to read and print Form 1040-ES. Form 1040-ES includes payment vouchers that you can print and mail to the IRS.

Filed Under: income tax