Frequently Asked Questions

Income Tax Pro tries to answer as many questions as we can throughout the tax year. We can't always keep up, especially around the annual income tax due date. We created this web page in hopes of answering the most frequently asked questions received through our contact us email form.
Can I use 2023 instructions to file 2024 forms?
No the results will not be correct. Please ensure that both your Tax Forms and Instructions display the calendar year for which you are filing your tax return. If you are filing your taxes before the April 15th, 2025 due date, for example, you most likely want the 2024 tax forms and instructions. The IRS and most state tax departments will publish their forms by January 15th on a good year. They don't follow the same schedule, nor do they set a pre-determined publish date. Sometimes we just have to wait.
Income tax forms don't look, print, or work right?
Please realize that we retrieve the forms direct from the publisher, the state or federal government. If they don't look, print, or work right, your browser or printer is most likely the culprit. Here are a few PDF viewing and printing tips from our own experience over the years:
- Save the PDF file to your desktop, then, open with Adobe Acrobat Reader. Most browsers will try to open the PDF files for you. You don't want that feature for income tax form preparation.
- Printer page sizing should say Actual Size and not Fit or Shrink.
- US Letter size 8.5 x 11.0 inches is preferred. A4 paper size is certainly understandable if you are overseas and don't have access to US Letter size paper.
- Deselect any Save Ink/Toner printer settings if the words and form lines are not crisp. Try printing in black and white if grayscale or color seems too light.
- View our site and PDF files with Internet Explorer if you are failing with Chrome, Firefox, or Opera for example.
- If you insist on using Chrome, Firefox, or Opera, then install the Adobe Acrobat browser extension which allows you to "Open In Acrobat Reader" with one click.
Mail income tax forms and instruction booklets to me?
We explain in detail how to get free federal tax forms by mail here. Please do not ask us to mail income tax forms and instruction booklets to you, read that helpful article link instead.
Is this website safe to use?
Yes. If you receive a browser warning from McAfee WebAdvisor, for example, click the McAfee WebAdvisor icon on your browser toolbar and View Site Report.
Our web reputation should be labeled as Minimal Risk
, the best safety rating.
If you see this rating higher than that, please do let us know.
False positives might be created by the advertising JavaScript displayed on our website.
That JavaScript was created and is managed by Google.
Are the printable PDF files safe to use?
Yes. We do not alter the printable PDF files in any way, they are retrieved directly from the publisher. The information you enter into the PDF files can't possibly be viewed by us.
Is this a new website?
No. The website Income Tax Pro was created in 2005 as a way for its owners to easily gather the tax forms and instructions needed to complete their own income tax returns. Over the years the Income Tax Pro website has published hundreds of articles which help answer questions they received from the public, clients, friends, and family.
How do I print a copy of my tax forms?
If you e-file your tax forms using the income tax software featured on this website, you should have received an email or printed a receipt with such instructions. If lost, visit and log into the tax software providers website. View or open your tax return and look for a print option. You can also call the IRS at (800) 829-1040 and request a copy of your tax return by mail, however, you may not get actual forms mailed back to you. See also our tax forms and state tax forms web pages, and retrieve form 4506 or 4506-T Request for Copy of Tax Return (IRS). Please do not email your social security number to us or anyone else.
Why did the IRS reject my tax refund e-file?
The IRS might reject, or not accept your e-file attempt. Sometimes it is something as simple as a misspelled name or that your social security number was entered incorrectly. If you can fix the error, you can re-submit your e-file. If the issue is not so simple than you will need to contact the IRS at or (800) 829-1040 and inquire about the issue. If you prefer not to call, simply print and mail your software prepared tax forms or hand complete printable tax forms and postmark before the taxes due date.
How fast can I get my income tax refund?
If you e-file your income tax refund online or at a local tax office, choose to receive your income tax refund by direct deposit. If your income tax forms are complete and accurate and you are due a refund, you should receive your income tax refund money in two weeks. If you choose to receive your income tax refund by check, the estimated time is four weeks.
Income tax refund using form 1040 by mail, how long?
Assuming that your tax form 1040 (1040-EZ, 1040-A, 1040-SR, etc.) is complete and accurate, and you are due an income tax refund check, you should expect to receive your tax refund check within six weeks from the date the IRS received your income tax forms.
How can I get help preparing income tax forms?
Visit our free income tax software page. TurboTax®, H&R Block®, and TaxAct® offer income tax preparation help built into their software, by chat, member-based forums, by email, and video tutorials.
Can I pay my taxes by credit card?
You can pay the IRS online or by phone at any time even if you file a paper income tax return. Generally, a convenience fee is charged for the service. Most state income tax departments have similar debit or credit card payment options listed on their state income tax website.
Can I e-file my IRS tax refund and not my state using the free e-file software?
Many income tax software providers allow free e-file of the IRS or federal tax return and charge an additional fee to file the state income tax refund or balance due. It is your decision to make whether you pay the additional fee or not. If you like the tax software, find that the convenience is worth the price, or find the add on features to be helpful, then why not. Many people worked hard to make the software available to the public.
Why don't I qualify for e-file?
Some tax payers will not qualify for e-file, to transmit their tax refund or tax forms through the electronic filing system. While considered rare, you might find yourself in this situation if the following apply to you: live outside the U.S., earned income from multiple states, for some states when your filing status is Married Filing Separately, filing not so common tax credit forms, and if you received a waiver from the IRS.
How do I check the status of my tax refund?
If you e-file your income tax refund using the premium or free tax software featured on this website, you should have received an email or printed a receipt with these instructions on it. If lost, visit and log into the income tax software providers website and review your account details. Most sites make it easy to find your refund status, and often include "Check your Status" buttons or text right on the home page.
Last updated: November 1, 2024